Serving Christ by helping our neighbors in need through volunteer home repairs & community projects while building lasting relationships.
About Us
Serve Home is a Christ-centered 501c3 nonprofit serving southeastern Massachusetts. Our goal is to build up the local community, local families, and local church by creating mission opportunities for people of all ages and seasons of life. We believe beautiful, life-changing things happen when people come together to help each other. Our mission is loving our neighbors & empowering the local church.
While we started out as a small church ministry, we took a big step in 2021 and officially became a 501c3 nonprofit organization. In 2023, we are expanding to a year-round ministry focused on developing and leading micro missions (1–2-day service missions) for volunteers. Read more below for our complete timeline & history.
Serve Home serves all people regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality, or ethnic background.
Our Mission
Loving our neighbors & empowering the local church.
Our Mission
Serving Christ by helping our neighbors in need through volunteer home repairs & community projects while building lasting relationships.
How It Began

The Inspiration
In July 2017, a group of teens from New Hope Christian Chapel went on a short term missions trip in Lexington, South Carolina. We came home changed and inspired to create something in our own backyard: a summer mission experience for people to serve God by serving their neighbors. We wanted everyone to know the joy of being on mission and serving their own community. We dreamt up a local mission experience for all ages, skills and all seasons of life. Serve Home was given its name and planning launched for a local mission the following summer.

Summer 2018
In August 2018, we completed our first official Serve Home summer mission! 50 volunteers from 2 churches joined us for a week of service projects on 2 homes, and evening meals and worship. Teens participated in our overnight experience, staying at the church all week for added bonding, growth, and the mission "trip" experience.

Summer 2019
Serve Home more than doubled in size during its second summer. 100+ volunteers from 12 different churches joined together for a week of service projects, evening meals and worship. Volunteers were spread out among 5 work sites, 3 homes and 2 community gardens, with teens from several churches joining in a full week of Serve Home's overnight experience.

Summer 2020
Serve Home unexpectedly looked a little different in 2020, due to COVID-19; while we couldn't have our nightly dinners, worship, or overnight experience, we didn't let that stop us from serving our neighbors. More than 50 volunteers were spread out among several community projects from gardening at a local nonprofit, to bagging lunches for our neighbors experiencing homelessness, to renovating two community gardens.

Summer 2021
Summer 2021 remained scaled back due to the COVID-19 pandemic, yet more than 50 volunteers joined us in serving our neighbors. Two homes were repaired and we even hosted an event for local foster families!

Fall 2021
Serve Home officially became a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Summer 2022
More than 50 volunteers from 7 churches joined us for a week of service projects that included repairs on 1 home and the building of a large garden and greenhouse for use by a new local high school serving many under-served teens in the community. Summer 2022 welcomed back the return of nightly dinner and worship.

In 2023, Serve Home embarked on an exciting journey to enhance our community outreach efforts. We realized a longstanding aspiration and introduced a new dimension to our service initiatives - micro missions. Micro Missions are regular, year-round projects that creates more consistent volunteer opportunities and service to our neighbors in need. We were blessed to serve over 20 homeowners in 2023! We held our 6th summer missions week that included participation of over 60 dedicated volunteers during a week in August serving three beautiful homeowners.

In 2024​ Serve Home launched the Ambassador Program to raise up volunteers to develop lasting, Christ-centered relationships with each homeowner we serve. Over 150 volunteers served over 30 homeowners including 13 homeowners during our summer missions week.