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loving our neighbors &
empowering the local church

How It All Began

Serve Home was born in 2017 after we returned from a week-long mission trip to South Carolina with Next Step Ministries. We spent the week renovating homes - painting, sanding, insulating, staining, gardening - and sharing dinner, worship, and discussions about God. We returned to Massachusetts with a hunger to do that same kind of life-giving and transformational service in our own community, and with a new dream to create a space not just for teens but also for families, young children, and adults of all ages to serve and experience God together. One week in South Carolina completely changed us, and we knew one week serving at home had the power to change others.


We stepped into God's calling and created Serve Home - a summer mission experience for adults, families, and children, with a full-week overnight experience for middle and high school students. In the first summer of Serve Home, we saw people come together to use their skills, resources, and energy to serve two homeowners and serve God, and we saw a community forming that transcended the typical bounds of community in our everyday world.


In the second summer of Serve Home, we more than doubled in size - in volunteers, churches, and work sites; we had 100+ volunteers from 12 different churches working on 5 work sites in 2019. In 2020 and 2021, we served through the COVID-19 pandemic and worked on 8 work projects spanning the two summers, including hosting an event for local foster families. In 2022, we made major renovations to one home and created a large community garden at a school, and returned to our roots with nightly meals and worship together.


In 2023 we are expanding to a year-round ministry and launching micro-missions - one-to-two-day missions for smaller teams. It has been a long time dream of ours to be able to create regular mission opportunities in addition to our weeklong summer missions.


As an independent 501c3 nonprofit organization, we are hopeful to see even more volunteers join us for a life-changing experience serving in our own community. We believe that when we come together to love our neighbors, share our resources, explore God, and get to know more people in our community, amazing and beautiful things happen. Will you join us?

Who We Are

Serve Home is a Christ-centered 501c3 nonprofit based in Taunton, MA that is passionate about community development, intergenerational experiences, exploring God, and bringing the hope and gospel of Jesus to our neighbors.  We provide a local summer "mission trip" experience for people of all ages and seasons of life by bringing children, teens, and adults (young + old!) together in the summer to serve the community, love our neighbors, and encounter Jesus Christ.


Serve Home is a charitable organization that serves all people regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality, or ethnic background.

Our Mission

Loving our neighbors & empowering the local church.

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